SPACE GUN !!! That feeling up in the air left me breatheless... |
I had sooooooo much fun ! This is the first time I went to Fun Fair with my friends : Era, Elna, Aaron, Rodean and Junichiro. Gwynth and Carolyn weren't able to join to us that time :( . Since the day was the last day of our Mock Exam so we went to released or relieved this stress we're having for weeks... First ride was the space gun. It was very thrilling and heart pumping !!! Especially when it goes up and it stays up in the air for like 5 seconds. That 5 seconds moment was so terrifying ! It feels like I was about to fall.. >.< . The space gun was 360 degree spinning round and round and luckily I didn't vomit in the air :D or the people down there will be having their 'special moment' . Hee~
And it goes round and round ... |
*Candid* Juni was looking somewhere
and Rodean was buying dinner. |
Era and Elna peace ^_^V |
After that, we went to ride the 'Tagada' which is the spinning slanting wheel something like that and there was times when it was a bumpy ride. Gosh.. It was torturing but I had fun ! There was one time I was not on my sit and almost fell down >.< . Luckily I hold the railing and my friend were there to pull me up ^_^ . It's kind of embarrassing people seeing me that time. But what the heck... Next, sudden impact was our next ride. It's not that thrilling as space gun or bumpy like Tagada. It was alright and the most relaxing ride ever I think. We went with our seniors riding Sudden Impact. We also played the bumper cars.. Good times~ Still having body ache especially waist =.= zZ
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