Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Outside Castle . Love the bricks floor.. <3

Good day readers :) . Check out our backdrops for our King Lear Drama.
Our Language Camp is coming up so is our DRAMA ! King Lear~ I hope our drama goes smoothly *finger crossed* . 
                           I've been busy with my assignments that need to pass up this week and next week. Just got another coursework. And it's MATHS. MATHS. MATHS. Date due is next week. Gosh.. I don't really understand this coursework. It's about problem routine and non problem routine, Model problem solving  Polya (something like that.. I just directly translated from BM. Hopefully it's correct >.< ). Anyway, I hate to procrastinate. But sigh.. EFF this habit. I'm trying to throw away my old habit. 

Gloucester's eyeballs.. !!!


  1. wah!!!cantik oh!!!creative oh kamu joan!!ambi video kamu ah,sy mo tngk =D

  2. ok bebeh !!! trailer pun coming soon !! kalu kamu abis awal d matrix kann.. sa invite kamu ni p tgok.. >.<
