Tuesday, 9 October 2012

tick tick tick

'Tick, tick, tick' ... It is an onomatopoeia. It is a ticking sound of a clock. It ticks and ticks. Showing the time. I didn't invent time. I couldn't rewind or fast-forward it. How I wish I could. If someone had invented the time machine, that person is the greatest inventor of all times. I bet everyone has waste their time doing things that is worthless and some just for fun. They stopped and think if only they could go back in time and make it worth. Can they make their time? For me.. Yes everyone can make their time. Make time; manage your time. I admit that I couldn't manage my time in a way that people say 'organise'. But, I'll do try my best to manage for it.. for my leisure and study. Writing my blog is one of the things that I did during my leisure..Still I didn't write much in here..heee~ I did things that I love or spend quality time is my cup of tea. 

Since exams is around the corner.. I think I have to cut down all the fun activities.  Huhu... 

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